Wimbledon College, the First 125 Years, written by Tony Poole, Simon Potter and John Austin.
Tony has been persuaded to produce a shortened version of his original ‘A History of Wimbledon College’ for the first chapters of this new volume. Simon Potter has undertaken to write the final chapters covering the last 25 years and John Austin has made up the triumvirate as editor and researcher.
The price is £25 plus p&p. [The cost of p&p will be – UK £3.00; Europe £10; Worldwide £16.50].
please see the bottom of the page for the pdf order form with details of how to order.
From the blurb -
Wimbledon College occupies an interesting and modestly significant place in the story of Catholic education in Britain. Founded in 1892 by the Society of Jesus, towards the end of a period of strong Catholic revivalism in the 19th century, it has changed from a small independent school, to a grammar, to a large comprehensive. This book – an expansion of the history produced for the institution’s centenary – covers those 125 years and relates how the College has not lost its individuality or the purpose of its mission: to produce thoughtful and fulfilled young people who, in the spirit of St Ignatius, are “Men for Others”.
Our students are
- Prophetic
- Learned
- Faith-filled
- Generous
- Grateful
- Hopeful
- Curious
- Attentive
- Prophetic
- Learned
- Faith-filled
- Generous
- Grateful
- Hopeful
- Curious
- Attentive