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It is important that pupils, parents and teachers all have a clear picture of the progress a pupil is making in their subjects. To support this, parents and pupils receive a half-termly report card which details academic attainment & progress across all subjects studied

We report various forms of assessment data to parents and pupils:
  • End of Year Target - this grade indicates what level a pupil is expected to achieve by the end of the year
  • Progress Judgements - a comment on whether a pupil is making the expected progress towards their end of year target. These are set for each subject studied. 
  • Summative assessments - a grade based on a formal assessment in each subject
  • Effort Grades - a grade indicating the level of effort displayed in each of the following areas: Classwork, Contribution, and Independent Learning.

Grade scales
Target and summative grades are reported using the College 1 to 9 scale for Year 7 to 11 (see attached document below). For BTEC courses in Y10-13 we use the exam grades (Distinction*, Distinction, Merit & Pass). A Level courses are reported using the A*-E grade scale. 

What will you receive and when? Lower Line (Y7 - 9):

At half term teachers report on whether pupils are making the expected progress towards their end of year target.
At the end of term teachers report a summative grade using the College's 1 to 9 scale (see attached document below). Pupils are given effort grades focusing on Classwork, Contribution, and Independent Learning.
Arts Rotation (Art, Drama, DT, Music): These subjects are not taught continuously throughout the year but in blocks of 4-5 weeks. At the end of each block (rotation) teachers report 3 summative grades and 3 effort grades.

What will you receive and when? Higher Line (Y10-11) & Sixth Form:

Each half term, teachers report a summative grade. In Higher Line, grades will be reported using the College's 1 to 9 scale. In Sixth Form, grades are reported according to the exam course pupils are studying (A*-E for A Level subjects and Distinction, Merit & Pass for BTEC subjects)
Termly effort grades are reported under the headings of Classwork, Contribution, and Independent Learning.

Our students are

  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive
  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive