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Behaviour Code
Wimbledon College has a simple behaviour code which sets out clear expectations for pupils:


Be positive

100% effort in everything you do


Be prepared

punctual, properly equipped, homework done


Follow instructions

first time, every time


Show respect

treat others as you would like to be treated


Look after your school

take care of the school’s environment and resources

By having this straightforward code, we aim to challenge every pupil to give of his best and make the most of the opportunities he is offered at Wimbledon College.

Behaviour Outside School
The school will take an interest in misbehaviour outside school when pupils are in school uniform or involved in school trips or activities.  Pupils who misbehave on public transport or on the streets can expect to face enquiries and disciplinary action at school.  Police Safer Neighbourhood and Safer Transport teams will usually be involved in outside school behaviour issues and the school liaises with other public authorities such as Transport for London, the railway authorities, and civic wardens, as well as with local shops and businesses and residents.

The Headteacher and Deputy Heads will, from time to time, prescribe rules and routines which make explicit the goals of the behaviour code as they apply to specific aspects of school life. Such detailed rules are necessary for the efficient and harmonious running of a complex institution. The College looks for the support of parents in its expectation that pupils follow school rules and routines.

Bullying involves the abuse of power, it is persistent, and it is personal to the individual child. Bullying is deliberately or thoughtlessly causing distress, either mental or physical, to others by hurting them with words or actions, or by making them feel embarrassed, excluded or threatened. Bystanders who fail to intervene are also, to a degree, responsible for bullying. We have clear arrangements for dealing with bullying which are included in the school’s Behaviour Policy (published on the school website).  If you are concerned your child is being bullied you should contact his Head of Line as soon as the concern arises.  Early contact often allows the situation to be resolved before it becomes a real problem. The school takes cyber-bullying seriously and, with Metropolitan police specialist support, will investigate cases of online or text-message bullying.  Bullying which occurs outside of school but which directly affects the happiness, confidence or safety of pupils in school will be dealt with under the school’s bullying policy.

Pupils are given constant encouragement and reminders to live up to the challenges of the behaviour code. The attitude and behaviour of pupils at the Wimbledon College is generally excellent, and sanctions are not frequently needed. Most pupils develop a strong sense of self-discipline and maturity and many go through their school careers without ever receiving a punishment.

However, there may be occasions when punishment is appropriate.
Punishment will be used when a pupil:

  • behaves in a way that is harmful or hurtful to others
  • is disruptive in class or distracts others from learning
  • behaves in a way that is prejudicial to the good name or order of the school
  • infringes the behaviour code, school rules or routines, without good reason

Your child’s behaviour will be monitored by his Head of Line.  The Head of Line is informed by other staff of any problems and will decide on an appropriate course of action.

A range of punishments and other interventions is used to provide a flexible response to misbehaviour appropriate to circumstances:

Teacher Meeting (TM)
If a teacher needs to speak to a pupil for any reason, he can be required to report for a TM.  This may be to discuss the pupil’s work, his attitude or his behaviour.  The pupil can be required to attend a TM before school (at 8.15am), at morning break or lunchtime, or after school (at 3.15pm).  TMs are important.  If a pupil does not show up for a TM he can expect there to be consequences which may include Saturday detention or exclusion for repeatedly missed TMs.  Parents are asked to note that we do take TMs seriously (they are a good way of dealing with misbehaviour in a simple and straightforward way) and pupils who evade them will find that the disciplinary consequences escalate quickly.  Pupils should not think they can ignore TMs and that the problem will go away.

Behaviour Referral
If a teacher is not happy with a pupil’s behaviour, he will be referred to his Head of Line.  The Head of Line checks referrals each day.  If a pupil is referred, there will be disciplinary consequences, including detention.

Daily Report
If a pupil is not working well in class, he may be put on Daily Report.  He must give his report booklet to each teacher at the beginning of the lesson and take it to the Head of Line or PSA at the end of the day.  He must get his parents to sign the Daily Report each day.

Out-of-Class System
The College does not tolerate disruptive behaviour which prevents teachers teaching and pupils learning.  Teachers will indicate a pupil’s behaviour is unacceptable by giving an early warning followed by a caution for a repeat offence.  If there is a third offence, the pupil is sent out-of-class.  The consequence of this is that the pupil is removed for the rest of that lesson and the next lesson with the same teacher.  Parents are informed and the pupil will automatically receive a Saturday Detention. Continued disruptive behaviour will result in further removal from lessons and work in the school’s Inclusion Centre, or exclusion from school. 

Orange Card
Pupils who are involved in serious misbehaviour may be removed from class or from the playground immediately and without warning.  This is known as the orange card routine.  Pupils on orange card must report immediately to the Deputy Headteacher who will decide on appropriate action.

School Detention
For misbehaviour or failure to follow school rules and routines a pupil may be given a detention.  Detentions are held Monday to Friday after school and may be for ½-hour or 1-hour.  For more serious matters or repeated misbehaviour, pupils may be given a Saturday detention (8.30-10.30am) or required to be in school on staff days or half-holidays.  Failure to attend Saturday detention without good reason will usually result in internal exclusion.

Inclusion Centre
Pupils who, for whatever reason, are failing to cope well with lessons or other aspects of school life may be referred to the Inclusion Centre for a period of time.  Work in the centre is designed to support them in returning to mainstream lessons and school life.

For serious misbehaviour, or repeated offences, a pupil may be suspended from school for a number of days (usually 2, 3 or 5 days) or permanently excluded. All punishments are recorded on the pupil’s disciplinary record.  Parents may ask to see their child’s disciplinary record at any time. Further guidance and advice for parents is available here

Appealing Against Punishment
We encourage pupils increasingly to take responsibility for themselves as they get older.  If a pupil feels unfairly treated and wrongly punished, he may appeal against the punishment:

  1. In the first instance, it is the pupil who appeals, not his parents.
  2. Before appealing, the pupil should speak calmly and courteously to the teacher concerned, explaining his point of view and asking the teacher to reconsider the matter.  Never do this during a lesson.
  3. If the teacher declines to change his mind, the pupil should then appeal to his Head of Line.
  4. Appeals are to be made within 24-hours of the punishment being given.
  5. If the punishment is upheld by the Head of Line, the pupil will have to do it.
  6. If a pupil refuses to accept punishment he will be excluded.

Parents are asked only to get involved in appeals against punishment once the pupil’s appeal procedure is complete and only if they are sure a major miscarriage of justice has taken place.

Our students are

  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive
  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive