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This week sees the launch of our mental health awareness month.  The aim is to help staff and students develop their awareness of mental health, understand how mental health affects students and their learning, and identify strategies which could help everyone at Wimbledon College manage their own mental well-being. Read more...

Throughout the month there will be discussions and activities during Assemblies and Form periods and we will be posting useful links for parents and students on the College website and via our new twitter feed @Wimb_Coll

We have also produced a usueful selection of mental health resources, from websites giving expert information, to video clips, news articles and even apps. Available here.

We hope that you will enjoy discussing the issues covered with you son.

Our students are

  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive
  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive