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The 2019 Easter production this year was the joyful Gershwin musical "Crazy for You" directed by S C Potter, I Thomas and J Reynolds

A very perky (and relatively young) cast of forty College boys and Ursuline girls made a splendid job of the dance routines, comic set-pieces and famous songs, helped by a great 16-piece jazz orchestra and a highly competent backstage lights, sound, and stage team.
A large number of emails attested to the show’s success, such as: “Acting was of a very high standard, lines excellently delivered, timing spot-on, facial expressions treat – and all so relaxed.  I left with a happy glow”.
“What a great production! Kept me smiling all the way through.”  “We thought it was a fine performance”.
“I could see the cast were thoroughly enjoying themselves”. “What fun! I absolutely LOVED ‘Crazy for You’. I laughed a lot. What an amazing cast and crew!” 
“It was great seeing the cast enjoying themselves so much, and it was very funny. Bravo!” “What a tonic after a hard day! It took me right out of myself.”
Congratulations to all involved

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  • Faith-filled
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  • Prophetic
  • Learned
  • Faith-filled
  • Generous
  • Grateful
  • Hopeful
  • Curious
  • Attentive